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秉持著「為下一世代的健康而生」的精神,羽唐旗下品牌 ¶PURE YU以天然素材開發如羽翼般純淨有效的保健營養品,以貼近全家人的健康需求,結合國內外知名大廠專業尖端的營衛學團隊共同合作研發,提供尖端高品質的商品,杜絕不明來源或未達有效成份劑量等…黑心原料,制程符合國家標準以確保產品安全無虞,每批出廠皆通過SGS檢驗。PURE YU除了上市推出的營養補充品,更有家庭清潔用品、個人護理產品等生活用品,為注重品質和環保的用戶,享受高品質好口碑的優質健康生活。

2020年至今經歷全球疫情侵襲之下的轉變,讓我們更重視環境品質和健康戶外休閒生活的重要性,PURE LIFE於2022年7月催生,品牌發想源自於西班牙文的{Pura Vida},意謂”純粹的生命”。PURE LIFE Outdoor提供高品質及便利的戶外用品,嚴格篩選確保耐用品質和安全性,同時減少對環境的影響,包括有美國設計「多功能豪華越野手拉車」、「藍牙音響燈」等露營週邊用品,無論是追求挑戰冒險的過程,或是在家庭和朋友之間的歡聚時光,成為最佳的好夥伴。在疫情過後國內外旅遊熱潮興起,PURE LIFE也開發多款便利的旅行收納好物,希望每位用戶與家人朋友一同享受旅途的美好與純粹。
隨著少子化新時代的來臨,根據2024農業部調查指出,台灣寵物飼養數已超過3,000,000。身為毛孩飼主的羽唐團隊,重拾憶起在數十年前毛孩的營養及健康未受重視,往往到中老年階段受疾病之苦,耗費高額醫療費或無法治療而承受病痛。隨著世代環境變遷,毛孩已成為家庭的重要一員,與我們的生活相伴關係密不可分。有鑑於此,羽唐團隊於2024年3月創立 HiMAO我的毛孩 積極投入幫助毛孩預防疾病、維持健康,期許能延續每個毛孩家庭的愛和幸福,一起努力打造毛孩的健康生活。

Adhering to the spirit of "Born for the health of the next generation", "PURE YU純淨之羽" uses products extracted from natural raw materials that are pure and flawless like feather wings, allowing you to experience and enjoy with peace of mind. It is more close to the health needs of the whole family, combined with the professional and top health R&D teams of well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers to jointly develop and provide cutting-edge products with good quality, and at the same time eliminate unknown sources or insufficient effective ingredient dosages. Manufacturing process meets the national certification standards to ensure product safety and security, allowing consumers to enjoy high-quality products with good reputation.  Since from 2018, "PURE YU純淨之羽" has been recommended by well-known experts, dietitians in Taiwan and customers at home and abroad. developed from the perspective of Preventive Healthcare, combining Chinese and Western multiple effective nutritional ingredients complex to help regulate physiological functions, boost metabolism, and supplement a comprehensive nutrition to the body.

Since from 2022, after the COVID-19 epidemic, outdoor camping activities and tourism have emerged, so we founded "PURE LIFE". Strictly select high-quality outdoor products that are durable and safe, as well as products that are easy to carry when traveling.

We all know that the fertility rate has declined in recent years, but according to a survey by Taiwan's Ministry of Agriculture in 2024, the number of reported pet owners has exceeded 3,000,000. As owners of furry pets, we recall that a few decades ago, pets’ health and nutrition were not taken seriously. In middle-aged and elderly , they would suffer from diseases, and owners would have to pay high medical expenses or be unable to treat them,  to the point of deaths. With the changes of the century and the environment, pets have become an important part of the family, accompanying us in our lives, and their relationship and love have become inseparable. In view of this, we founded "HiMAO我的毛孩" in 2024 and actively invest in helping pets prevent diseases and have a healthy life. We hope to continue the love and happiness of every pet family and work together to give pets a healthy life.


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旗下品牌「純淨之羽PURE YU」 2018年7月首先推出喝的保養品「雪の皙奇蹟養妍激光飲」、「晶亮醇強化型葉黃素」,產品皆採用專利認證來源 (來自日本、歐美),2020年推出針對兒童系列營養果凍食品「晶亮醇葉黃素凍」、「益生醇營養機能好菌凍」、 「好鈣醇黃金倍高成長凍」,以多種天然複方成份輔佐調配,堅持所有配方成份必需足量、安全有效率。

榮獲2019 亞太美業傑出品牌獎 亞太美業產業標竿獎

 榮獲2022 Monde Selection世界品質評鑑-金獎

榮獲2024 Monde Selection世界品質獎評鑑-金獎

2019 Asia-Pacific Beauty Industry Outstanding Brand Award
2019 Asia-Pacific Beauty Industry Benchmarking Award
2022 Monde Selection international quality award - Gold Award
2024 Monde Selection international quality award- Gold Award

純淨之羽PURE YU 榮獲各大肯定



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羽唐有限公司 (羽唐整合行銷) 統一編號 50766253

服務專線 02-5568-6557 (服務時間10:00am - 6:30pm)

經銷代理/合作聯繫 contract.pureyu@gmail.com

